High Ability

Salem Community Schools believes that every child's strengths and talents should be encouraged and developed. We hope to provide each child opportunities for appropriate educational experiences that promote achievement through rigorous, engaging, and level-appropriate course work. Salem Community Schools recognizes that some children have advanced learning needs that require advanced curriculum and instruction. To focus on the development of strengths and abilities of high ability students, a relevant and differentiated K-12 curriculum with appropriate instructional programs and strategies will be offered. Because high ability students are found in every cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic group, Salem Community Schools will find equitable ways to allow all children with high abilities the opportunity to participate in experiences designed to maximize the development of their potential.
SCS Mission Statement for High Ability Program
SCS Definition of High Ability Student
High Ability students perform at, or show potential to perform at, an outstanding level of accomplishment when compared to other students of the same age, experience, or environment. A high ability student's educational needs and/or academic growth may not be met through typical grade level core curriculum and instruction. Salem Community Schools uses the 90th percentile on local norms for standardized academic aptitude or academic performance assessments as a guideline for identification as High Ability. Salem Community Schools will designate students who meet the High Ability requirements through Indiana's STN system as one of the following:
High Ability—General Intellectual
Students will be designated as High Ability—General Intellectual if the student scored at the 90th local percentile on the composite score of a standardized norm-reference test of verbal and quantitative reasoning ability or scored at the 90th percentile on a locally normed group achievement test within the past two years.
High Ability Language Arts
Students will be designated as High Ability Language Arts if the student performed at or above the 90th percentile on the verbal portion of a standardized aptitude test. Students may also be identified by demonstrating outstanding performance in language arts at the 90th percentile on local norms on a standardized achievement exam. Descriptive data will also be considered.
High Ability Math
Students will be designated as High Ability Math if the student performed at or above the 90thlocal percentile on the quantitative reasoning portion of a standardized aptitude test. Students may also be identified by demonstrating outstanding performance in mathematics at the 90thpercentile on local norms on a standardized achievement test. Descriptive data will also be considered.
Students not quite meeting the High Ability standards will be added to a Talent Pool of students for further observation or reassessment. These students may be included in High Ability services or classrooms when open spots are available.