About Our Board
General Information
A seven-member Board governs Salem Community School Corporation. The Board of Trustees meets regularly on the second Monday of each month. Regular board meeting, open to the public and media, are held on the second Monday night of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Salem Community Schools Administration office at 500 North Harrison Street in Salem. Board members are elected to four-year terms in the May primary elections. Three seats are filled in one election and two years later, the remaining four seats are filled.
Current school board officers are:
Allison Ezzell- President
Becky Humphrey- Vice-President
Becky White-Secretary
Addressing the Board
If you wish to have an item placed on the board meeting agenda, the request must be made in writing and received in the Superintendent's office (500 North Harrison Street) no later than Monday of the week prior to the board meeting.
The board meeting is not a forum; it is a deliberative body. Accordingly, it receives communications, both oral and written, as a medium of information. It does not debate the contents of such communications, but considers them in making decisions and in the establishment of policies.
During each board meeting, there are two opportunities for members of the community and staff to address the board. Generally speaking, the board will not make a decision about a request, orally made for a first time, at a board meeting. The issue will usually be referred to the administration for further study, and action will be delayed until a future board meeting.
You may address the board during the "Public Input" agenda time by signing in and responding to the board president's invitation to speak. You will be requested to identify yourself and to direct your comments or questions to the entire board. Remarks should be limited to three minutes.