Soccer players

Written by: Birkilee Cochrane

Clubs are an important part of students’ and teachers’ lives, but are there really enough clubs to express students’ creativity? There is a range of clubs and extracurriculars offered at most high schools. 

At Salem High School, there are 20 clubs currently being sponsored. Many of these clubs present an opportunity for students to display their abilities and talents in a way outside of tests and homework. This means students can learn new skills and develop social, emotional, cognitive and academic development they normally wouldn't learn in a school environment. Joining a club can bring a sense of belonging and sense of purpose. A sponsor can act as a guide and students will develop new skills. 

Abby Love, a sophomore who is currently a part of Esports club, said, “Being in a club gives me a chance to find friends I can talk to in and out of a school environment and that’s a hard thing to find.”

Clubs that are available to get involved with include: Lions Unified, SLNN, Art club, Esports, National Honors Society,  Disney Club, Spanish Club, French Club, Military Club, Theater Club, Archery Club, Baking Club, Guitar Club, Science Club, BPA, Hobby Club, FFA, Tri-Hi-Y, SADD, Archery Club, Booster Club and Journalism/Photography Club.

In addition to clubs, SHS also offers a variety of sports for students to participate in.

“Salem High School offers many athletic opportunities for our students,” said Athletic Director Hank Weedin. “Up until last year, we offered every sport the IHSAA offers with the exception of gymnastics. There are very few schools in the state that offer gymnastics. There are a couple of newly introduced sports through IHSAA that we could add but, at this time, our enrollment does not warrant adding them. Oftentimes you can have too many sports which thins down our participation numbers in each sport. I believe our biggest concern should be getting our participation numbers up in our currently offered sports before we add more.”

  Weedin said when SHS added the last few sports (softball, swim, wrestling, soccer) the school’s enrollment was over 600.  

“We are currently well below 500,” he said. “We offer more sports than most schools our size.” 

Athletics can be very beneficial for students. Plugging into a sport can be a great outlet and teach important life skills along the way. Student’s who are participating in a sport have improved academic performance, social relationships and leadership skills. This gives students an advantage in the real world. 

“As far as the ‘real world’ is concerned, athletics mimics life in many ways,” said Weedin. “Throughout a person's lifetime they will experience many highs and many lows. There will be successes and failures. The ‘real world’ offers people a lot of joy and happiness at times but just as often can throw adversity our way and test our mental and physical toughness and resolve.”

He said that a lot of the tough situations he has faced in his adult life he has been able to work through as a result of his years as a high school and collegiate athlete.  

“Not all athletes benefit as much through athletics as other athletes,” he said. “Unfortunately, there are many who just go through the motions and fear failure too much to totally buy in and push themselves. But there are those that give full effort and push themselves to be the best they can be...these athletes exhibit an attitude for success, which most times carries over into their lives beyond high school.” 

Being involved in sports and extracurriculars can give  students an advantage in the real world. Employers look for clubs and sports on applications from minors to see if they have the responsibility and people skills that are looked for in a work environment.  

Flora Wade is a junior who participates in student council, Tri-Hi-Y, FCA, science club, soccer, track and is employed at Six Scoops.

“When you are involved in clubs you get to build a strong connection with people around you,” she said. “It's an easy way to get to know people out of your comfort zone. So when you get into a work environment you become a better person to provide for others and interact with others.”